Why the iPhone 6 is the most popular iPhone model of all time

iPhones have been around for over a decade after the first one was released with much fanfare in 2007. With an average of two models being released every year with additional features, several newer models have hit the market. But 2014’s iPhone 6 is still the most purchased iPhone of all time. As a matter of fact, according to a recent Newzoo report, 21% of the active iPhones still in use are the iPhone 6. This is impressive considering the rate at which user’s change phones these days.

The iPhone 6 was a rethinking of design elements for Apple, with a thinner and slicker model it was a vital turning point from the earlier much bulkier models. Unlike the flat edges and sharp edges that were telling signs of an iPhone this one was smooth and slick keeping with the design elements that the Android manufacturers were moving towards. Another significant hardware change was the shift in the placement of the power button. Apple chose to follow Androids winning model here too. The look and feel of the phone were no different from its Android competitors, but what set this phone apart was the wealth of custom software which puts the 4.7-inch screen to good use.

A large part of the iPhone 6's appeal lies in the software updates in iOS 8. On first look of the specifications the dual-core Apple A8 processor did not look impressive many tech reviewers, however, its integrated graphics capabilities are more than capable of holding their own against quad- and octa-core products. The phone’s 1 GB non-expandable RAM was flagged as stingy in comparison with android counterparts of its time, but users have not made complaints about this, four years after the phone has been in the market.  

In today’s Instagram world an 8-megapixel rear camera may seem like a disappointment, after all, we need a good camera to shoot our food and clothes well, but the sharp lens and improved sensor has made this one of the most raved about phone cameras.

With all other aspects tacked life, let’s look at the iPhone 6’s battery. This is one of the primary plus points for the phone. While competitors like the HTC are still working on battery power longevity, the iPhone 6 can easily last a day and a half.

With a strong Apple software support and several ios updates to keep the phone current, the iphone6 is still one of the best phones to choose from.

Looking to buy an iphone6 but on a tight budget? Get your hand on the iPhone 6 one of Apples best products yet, here.